5 Signs You Need a New Social Media Strategy

5 Signs You Need a New Social Media Strategy

A social media strategy is often considered to be the master plan to achieve success across social platforms. 

Not only is it designed to align your brand with your content, but it details your goals and the actions you will take to achieve them. Using measurable key performance indicators (KPI's), your strategy also allows you to track your progress without confusion!

The only downside is that your strategy has to change over time in order to be effective. 


Because your business isn't stagnant. New goals arise over time, changes in algorithms and audience interests can have major impacts on your social presence, and even your ideas of value can change over time. 

While a lot of this can be settled by making minor edits to your strategy, here are five signs that you need a new social media strategy...


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1. Engagement is falling

There are three reasons for a decline in engagement; algorithm changes, unaligned content, and content fatigue. As engagement is a huge factor in how well your content performs on social media, it's necessary for you to identify the cause of the problem, build a measurable goal for engagement increase, and form an actionable plan to help your content get back on track.

2. Your branding doesn't feel right

Whether it no longer speaks to your business ethics/morals or it no longer connects with your audience, there a multitude of reasons that a brand stops feeling right. When this happens, it is imperative that you rewrite your strategy to include the new approach to the way your business communicates to its audience. Failure to do so can result in a misalignment throughout your content that sews distrust throughout your existing community. 


3. You're struggling to keep up

If you are struggling to keep to the dates you assigned to your goals, there's no need to panic. You can change them to suit your schedule and your timeline - nobody is going to judge you on it. 


4. You're not considering new features

Every social platform is continually reinventing their tools and features to help its users flourish. By including new features and testing them with your strategy as a guide, you can see how it affects your existing and newly developing goals. 


5. Your audience has migrated elsewhere

When an audience collectively moves away from a specific platform, continuing to strategise for it is a complete waste of time. Instead, reanalysing, and migrating with them will help you become one of the brands that they recognise for having taken the leap. But with a new platform comes a new algorithm and a new approach, which requires a complete overhaul of your existing strategy!



While rewriting a strategy is a big job that takes a lot of research and algorithmic understanding, a powerful social media strategy is the root of success for brands across the digital world!

Not sure how to start your new strategy? 

Click here to build your strategy with a professional!

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