The journey to SWM

If you’d have told me 10 years ago that I would be running a social media management agency, I would have laughed in your face.

Because at that point in my life, I was exploring the world of digital marketing, working with some amazing companies and taking on the complicated task of channeling both my creativity and my theoretical mind.

But that’s where social media management came in...

Because I discovered that it allowed me to form powerful strategies while channeling creativity into content creation and development!

After discovering the exciting challenges that social media had to offer, I was hooked!

Since then I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the UK’s largest companies, developing their presence in the online world.

As privileged as I was, there was always something nagging me. Because truth is, I always wanted to use my talent and passion to help smaller and more ethical businesses.

So I took a leap by reaching out to small business owners - and that’s how

Socials With Michelle was born!

  • 2021

    Founded in 2021

  • 1Million+

    Over 1Million eyes on the content

  • 100%

    100% success in expanding reach

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Who does SWM work with?

While my passion is social media, my loves are fashion and beauty. That’s why Socials With Michelle works primarily in these industries.

So whether you’re a boutique or a designer, a hair care brand or a makeup artist, SWM works hard to ensure that you’re being seen by the people that matter the most...

Your potential customers.

"I aim to establish connection between your brand and your community"

Socials With Michelle Mission Statement

  • Authenticity

    I work hard to highlight all that makes your business unique. Using your ethics, your story and your journey, I share your truth with your audience.

  • Transparency

    It's my job to give you the facts. This is why I pledge myself to transparency throughout your social media process, giving you clear data reports and honest advice every step of the way.

  • Communication

    Communication is the foundation of trust. This is why I make sure to stay connected with you during our partnership, ensuring that I am available to address any and all concerns.

See the talent in action

Ready to discover how I apply this unique approach?