Objectives & Goals

The goal is to develop a cohesive brand that spans across all platforms that the client currently works on.

This brand must feel refreshing to loyal customers, while also feeling welcoming to newcomers.

Content Before

Before this rebrand, content took shape solely around the products. While it’s great to showcase what’s on offer, it can become stale, repetitive and boring to the audience.


This project demanded an array of different components, from research to design, to execution. For this reason, I set a four week timeline for the client, so that we could touch base during every step and to ensure that there was time to spare in case anything went wrong.

Content Design

Blending warm natural tones with calming cool undertones, the content began to feel more inviting. This inspired me to create content templates that not only highlights products, but also informs and educates the audience.

Skills Used

In order to achieve the results shown, there were a wide variety of skills that were used throughout the growth campaign.


Since rebranding, the client has experienced an increase in reach, engagement and click through rates. Along with that, the feedback from their existing clientele was astronomical, and reflected in the shareability of their content.

"Can I say I’m obsessed? This new logo is so clean and the way it fits with the content is perfect!"

Learn more

Discover how else SWM helps clients achieve their goals,
or check out the package that made this growth possible!