Goals & Objectives

The collaborator had launched their products with my client back in December but as it was the holiday season, they weren’t ready to heavily promote it. This meant that any promotion for their international sales relied solely on my client.

In January they decided that they were ready for a hard launch of their products in the UK, and proposed a collaboration with my client. During our initial contact, the following goals were agreed upon.

Target Audience

After analysing the client page, competitors and the collaborating brands page, I established that this campaign would be aimed at two specific character types. This analysis took into account the target audiences preferred content types, their budgets, their interests and what they’re looking for.


This timeline indicates the process of this campaign from the conception to the execution.

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The following graph and screenshot indicate the metrics that my client had the week before this campaign went live, and the metrics that my client had at the end of the week of the campaign.

Skills Used

There were many aspects to this campaign from planning to conception and beyond. The following lists the skills that I used in order to get positive results.

  • Clipped live chat

    I would have clipped the live chat to make for interactive content throughout stories, which would have driven more engagement.

  • Shown products in use

    In order to better showcase the products, I would have created a hair styling short form video that showed the products in use.

  • Announced sale sooner

    To prepare the audience ahead of time and to keep their eyes peeled, I'd have announced the special sale on Wednesdays post.

"Michelle, thank you for the outstanding conversation, I had a terrific time learning more about [client] and sharing more about [collaborator]"

"I couldn’t be more proud of your work last week, we’re in for a busy Tuesday now getting out all these orders!"

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